
PLoS ONE:调控生物钟成精神分裂症治疗关键

2022-01-17 12:05:07 来源:重庆皮肤科 咨询医生




生命科学学院首席深入研究员Qing-Jun Meng说,我们的深入研究表明铋有一个取而代之、有效的效用,即能增加时计节律的幅度或准确度,说明了了铋与情绪保持稳定、癫痫和做梦二者之间的关联适度。



铋卤的副效用以外烦躁、痤疮、口渴、神经无力、震颤、镇静等。目前,抑制GSK3的类固醇已在深入研究技术开发,因为GSK3已被验证在其他性疾病以外白血病和阿尔茨海默氏病里充分发挥极其重要效用。 Meng药剂师补充说:除了GSK3外,铋卤具在线粒体有最常的效用位点。单单阻断GSK3的类固醇将能提高铋的“脱靶现象”,具有独特的竞争者。


该深入研究由生物医学委员会和生物新科技和生物科学深入研究委员会(BBSRC)捐献,并公开发表在PLoS One上。(生物谷:Bioon)


Lithium Impacts on the Amplitude and Period of the Molecular Circadian Clockwork.

Jian Li, Wei-Qun Lu, Stephen Beesley, Andrew S. I. Loudon, Qing-Jun Meng.

Lithium salt has been widely used in treatment of Bipolar Disorder, a mental disturbance associated with circadian rhythm disruptions. Lithium mildly but consistently lengthens circadian period of behioural rhythms in multiple organisms. To systematically address the impacts of lithium on circadian pacemaking and the underlying mechanisms, we measured locomotor activity in mice in vivo following chronic lithium treatment, and also tracked clock protein dynamics (PER2::Luciferase) in vitro in lithium-treated tissue slices/cells. Lithium lengthens period of both the locomotor activity rhythms, as well as the molecular oscillations in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, lung tissues and fibroblast cells. In addition, we also identified significantly elevated PER2::LUC expression and oscillation amplitude in both central and peripheral pacemakers. Elevation of PER2::LUC by lithium was not associated with changes in protein stabilities of PER2, but instead with increased transcription of Per2 gene. Although lithium and GSK3 inhibition showed opposing effects on clock period, they acted in a similar fashion to up-regulate PER2 expression and oscillation amplitude. Collectively, our data he identified a novel amplitude-enhancing effect of lithium on the PER2 protein rhythms in the central and peripheral circadian clockwork, which may involve a GSK3-mediated signalling pathway. These findings may advance our understanding of the therapeutic actions of lithium in Bipolar Disorder or other psychiatric diseases that involve circadian rhythm disruptions.